
Psalms – Chapter 68

1For the leader. A psalm of David; a song.


2May God arise;

may his enemies be scattered;

may those who hate him flee before him.

3As the smoke is dispersed, disperse them;

as wax is melted by fire,

so may the wicked perish before God.

4Then the just will be glad;

they will rejoice before God;

they will celebrate with great joy.


5Sing to God, praise his name;

exalt the rider of the clouds.

Rejoice before him

whose name is the LORD.

6Father of the fatherless, defender of widows

God in his holy abode,

7God gives a home to the forsaken,

who leads prisoners out to prosperity,

while rebels live in the desert.


8God, when you went forth before your people,

when you marched through the desert,


9The earth quaked, the heavens poured,

before God, the One of Sinai,

before God, the God of Israel.

10You poured abundant rains, God,

your inheritance was weak and you repaired it.

11Your creatures dwelt in it;

you will establish it in your goodness for the poor, O God.


12The Lord announced:

“Those bringing news are a great Army.

13The kings of the armies are in desperate flight.

Every household will share the spoil,

14though you lie down among the sheepfolds,

you shall be covered with silver as the wings of a dove,

her feathers bright as fine gold.”

15When the Almighty routs the kings there,

it will be as when snow fell on Zalmon.


16You mountain of God, mountain of Bashan,

you rugged mountain, mountain of Bashan,

17You rugged mountains, why look with envy

at the mountain where God has chosen to dwell,

where the LORD resides forever?

18God’s chariots were myriad, thousands upon thousands;

from Sinai the Lord entered the holy place.

19You went up to its lofty height;

you took captives, received slaves as tribute,

even rebels, for the LORD God to dwell.


20Blessed be the Lord day by day,

God, our salvation, who carries us.


21Our God is a God who saves;

escape from death is the LORD God’s.

22God will crush the heads of his enemies,

the hairy scalp of the one who walks in sin.

23The Lord has said:

“Even from Bashan I will fetch them,

fetch them even from the depths of the sea.

24You will wash your feet in your enemy’s blood;

the tongues of your dogs will lap it up.”


25Your procession comes into view, O God,

your procession into the holy place, my God and king.

26The singers go first, the harpists follow;

in their midst girls sound the timbrels.

27In your choirs, bless God;

LORD, Israel’s fountain.

28In the lead is Benjamin, few in number;

there the princes of Judah, a large throng,

the princes of Zebulun, the princes of Naphtali, too.


29Summon again, O God, your power,

the divine power you once showed for us,

30From your temple on behalf of Jerusalem,

that kings may bring you tribute.

31Roar at the wild beast of the reeds,

the herd of mighty bulls, the calves of the peoples;

trampling those who lust after silver

scatter the peoples that delight in war.

32Let bronze be brought from Egypt,

Ethiopia hurry its hands to God.


33You kingdoms of the earth, sing to God;

chant the praises of the Lord,


34Who rides the heights of the ancient heavens,

Who sends forth his voice as a mighty voice?

35Confess the power of God,

whose majesty protects Israel,

whose power is in the sky.

36Awesome is God in his holy place,

the God of Israel,

who gives power and strength to his people.

Blessed be God!

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United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)