
Psalms – Chapter 65

1For the leader. A psalm of David. A song.


2To you we owe our hymn of praise,

O God on Zion;

To you our vows must be fulfilled,

3you who hear our prayers.

To you all flesh must come

4with its burden of wicked deeds.

We are overcome by our sins;

only you can pardon them.

5Blessed the one whom you will choose and bring

to dwell in your courts.

May we be filled with the good things of your house,

your holy temple!


6You answer us with awesome deeds of justice,

O God our savior,

The hope of all the ends of the earth

and of those far off across the sea.

7You are robed in power,

you set up the mountains by your might.

8You still the roaring of the seas,

the roaring of their waves,

the tumult of the peoples.

9Distant peoples stand in awe of your marvels;

the places of morning and evening you make resound with joy.

10You visit the earth and water it,

make it abundantly fertile.

God’s stream is filled with water;

you supply their grain.

Thus do you prepare it:

11you drench its plowed furrows,

and level its ridges.

With showers you keep it soft,

blessing its young sprouts.

12You adorn the year with your bounty;

your paths drip with fruitful rain.

13The meadows of the wilderness also drip;

the hills are robed with joy.

14The pastures are clothed with flocks,

the valleys blanketed with grain;

they cheer and sing for joy.

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United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)